Earthworks are defined as any operations or works in, on, or over land which result in substantial modification to the existing ground terrain, land form, or slope. These include excavation, formation of a new slope or embankment, and cut and fill operations.
Earthworks involving earthcut or earthfill shall be minimised to avoid excessive changes to the existing terrain. The scale of earthworks allowed depends on the location and purpose of the proposed earthworks. All proposed earthworks shall be evaluated to ensure they are sensitive to the wider site context and its impact to the surrounding developments.
Allowable Earthworks
Earthworks to raise the existing platform level of the entire development site are generally not allowed. This is to avoid creating new retaining walls.
Earthworks are generally not allowed within the road buffer/building setbacks. Any proposed earthworks shall be assessed based on site context. Where allowed, they shall not exceed 1m.
Earthworks of more than 1m to meet PUB minimum platform level (MPL)1 shall be assessed on the merits of the proposal. Refer to earthworks in low-lying areas sub-section.
Earthworks may also be considered to:
1 Minimum Platform Level (MPL): The minimum 1st storey level to be provided within the site. The MPL is determined by the Public Utilities Board (PUB).
The proposed works shall be evaluated in relation to the permissible building envelope under the Envelope Control guidelines.
For low-lying sites that need to meet PUB’s minimum platform level (MPL):
Refer to Basements for more information on the treatment of internal areas below the MPL.
Last updated on 5 July 2019