The illustrations apply to houses within Designated Landed Housing Areas (DLHAs). For proposals outside DLHAs, the left-behind plot must fulfil the minimum plot size requirement of 1,000 sqm.
A corner terrace house plot may be redeveloped into a new pair of semi-detached houses, provided:
Any unit in a row of intermediate terrace houses may be redeveloped to a semi-detached house provided:
The creation of a new blank party wall at the common boundary for a new house is generally not allowed.
For all redevelopments involving detachment from an existing unit, resulting in a bare and exposed party wall at the existing unit, the person undertaking the redevelopment shall do the following:
After the adjoining semi-detached house is redeveloped, the remaining semi-detached unit may remain as approved.
Plot B shall not be allowed to redevelop into a semi-detached house and a bungalow because it would prejudice the development option for A to breakaway away and redevelops into a bungalow.
Last updated on 19 July 2024