You have to apply for a housing developer’s licence before commencing construction works.
There are 2 types of licences: a sale licence which allows you to commence construction works and to commence sale of units after obtaining building plan approval and a no-sale licence which allows you to commence construction works only.
Download the .pdf to read the criteria for a sale and no-sale licence.
You are required to use the Option to Purchase and Sale and Purchase Agreement prescribed under the Housing Developers Rules in the sale of the units. The Controller has pre-approved a list of amendments to the prescribed forms. You can adopt the pre-approved amendments without seeking approval from the Controller.
If you wish to make variations to the prescribed forms other than the pre-approved amendments, you will have to seek the Controller’s approval via the One-Stop Developers' Portal.
Show unit(s) must be erected in accordance with the Housing Developers (Show Unit) Rules.
Read the guidelines for details.
Upon the completion of the show unit, you will have to submit a declaration on the show unit stating that the show units erected comply with the rules.
You are required to open and maintain a Project Account with a financial institution for each project.
The deposit of purchase moneys and loans into the Project Account and withdrawals of money from the Project Account are regulated under the Housing Developers (Project Account) Rules.
Read key pointers.
You are required to comply with the Housing Developers (Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing) Rules and other relevant legislations relating to anti-money laundering and terrorism financing in the development and sale of properties. Read here for details.
You are required to submit both the AA and AC, with the completed excel file on the selected financial data from the AA, within 6 months after the close of the financial year.
If you wish to apply for extension of time to submit the AA and AC, please click here.
The user guide to the eService is available here.
Developers should read these rules from Singapore Statutes Online to ensure full compliance.
This allows you to download the application form for a housing developer's licence and to submit your application.
Estimated time to complete: 🕒 30min
This allows you to check if a developer holds a valid housing developer's licence.
Estimated time to complete: 🕒 5min
All licensed housing developers are required to provide information via DSS whenever required by the Controller. Licensed housing developers can apply up to three Developer Survey System (DSS) user accounts.