GST refunds for processing fees paid on Development Applications and Lodgments. Click for more details.

From 1 July 2024, all government SMSes will be sent from a single Sender ID To find out more, visit


Be wary of phishing or scam attempts. URA will NOT ask for sensitive personal information relating to your accounts, such as your Singpass ID/password or your banking ID/password. As a safeguard, all official SMSes sent by URA will not carry clickable links. Use our feedback form to report any suspicious SMSes supposedly from URA. Stay vigilant and safe! Learn how to spot these scams.

Proposed Amendments to Housing Developers Rules

We are proposing amendments to the Housing Developers Rules, and we want to hear from you! The key proposed amendments require developers to provide more information to home buyers to help you make more informed decisions. The engagement exercise ends on 5 February 2022.

Submit your feedback here
