You can find the rates of parking coupons for cars, buses and lorries in this section.
You can either display coupons to pay for parking charges or download the app to pay for parking charges with your mobile devices. Parking rates and operation hours are located on signs at the entrance of URA and HDB car parks, or along kerbside parking lots.
Note: Due to very low usage, the Whole Day Parking Coupon and Monthly Parking Coupon have been discontinued from 1 Jan 2022 to avoid wastage of such printed coupons. If you have unused coupons, you may seek a refund (see below).
URA/HDB car parks with motorcycle parking lots
Whole day from 7am to10.30pm
Overnight from 10.30pm to 7am the following day
You can buy $0.60, $0.65, $1.20, $2.40 and $5.00 (Night) parking coupons at authorised sale outlets. This includes Cheers, 7-Eleven outlets, ESSO and SPC kiosks.
You can use any combination of coupon values such as $0.60, $1.20 or $2.40 to make up for the value of the parking charges.
For example, if you are parking for a whole day at a car park outside of the restricted zone for $12.00, you may do the following:
You can get a refund for your unused or your expired coupons at:
Please ensure the expired coupons are unused. Coupons with any irregularity – signs of tempering, tabs with folded marks or creased – cannot be refunded.