When we work together, we can make Singapore a space for our dreams. A key focus of the Long-Term Plan Review (LTPR) is partnering the public in imagining possibilities for a future Singapore that will better meet your needs and aspirations as well as those of future generations.
Since we launched our public engagement in July 2021, we have engaged more than 15,000 people from all walks of life through a variety of platforms. Many have shared their hopes and aspirations, as well as ideas for the future in over 50 sessions ranging from online surveys to talks and in-depth discussions.
From July to September 2021, we reached out to Singaporeans of different ages and backgrounds to understand their hopes, aspirations and concerns for Singapore's future, as well as on factors that will make for a more liveable city over the next 50 years and beyond.
More than 5,600 people responded to our public poll to share their views, and some 200 people participated in workshops and dialogues to deliberate and discuss the findings from the polls.
Poll Responses:
Participants further elaborated on the poll responses at workshops and dialogues. Check out the visual recording summarising the discussions held over three virtual workshops!
We translated the feedback that we received in Phase 1 into four outcomes for Singapore's future urban environment – a Singapore that is Inclusive; Adaptable and Resilient; Sustainable; and Distinctive and Endearing.
These four pillars guided the Phase 2 discussions on possible land use strategies that will achieve these outcomes. We engaged different segments of the population – from residents, businesses, professionals, academia to interest groups – to generate further ideas in six facilitated discussions. We also collaborated with agencies such as the People's Association and the National Youth Council (NYC) to hold more engagement sessions with their stakeholders.
Beyond discussions, we also worked with partner agencies to co-organise webinars to collect ideas for the LTPR as well as organised an art competition for students to share their vision of future Singapore.
(view the high-res)
We subsequently developed a set of planning principles and strategies based on trends and challenges Singapore faces in the future, as well as ideas and feedback that we received over the course of the earlier two phases of public engagement. In developing them, we also considered the need to balance various trade-offs, such as the diverse feedback received from Singaporeans and stakeholders, potential implications of each strategy, as well as the wide spectrum of competing needs for our limited land.
Two virtual dialogues were organised to further discuss this set of planning principles and strategies as well as the considerations behind them with Singaporeans and stakeholders.
Together with the webinars held in Phase 2, the strategies were organised along four themes that are also key areas that we looked into as part of the LTPR.
The ideas and feedback that you have shared in the past year have helped shape planning concepts and strategies that will guide Singapore's long-term development. As part of Phase 4 of the public engagement exercise, these strategies were exhibited for public feedback at The URA Centre from 6 June 2022 to 4 August 2022 as well as brought to several locations islandwide.
We will continue to engage Singaporeans and stakeholders to refine the strategies and progressively translate them into detailed plans over the next few decades to build a better Singapore together.