Proposals shall meet the following criteria to qualify as an Additions & Alterations (A&A) proposal:
Proposals that do not comply with the above criteria for Additions & Alterations shall be considered as Reconstruction proposals. Works resulting in the following outcomes shall also be deemed as reconstruction, regardless of whether the works exceed 50% of the existing building GFA:
For existing landed housing approved under previous landed housing guidelines, new Additions and Alterations works shall comply with the permissible building envelope in the Envelope Control guidelines.
Where the existing building already exceeds the permissible building envelope, the new Additions and Alterations shall not further increase the building bulk. URA will assess such applications on the merits of the proposal to ensure that the outcome is not worse off.
URA may consider allowing landed houses undergoing Additions & Alterations (A&A) works or reconstruction to retain non-conforming structures1, subject to the following requirements:
URA shall be notified immediately if any of the non-conforming structures approved to be retained are demolished. The Qualified Person appointed by the owner shall make an amendment application for the new works to comply with prevailing DC guidelines, before any new works are carried out on site.
1 Non-conforming Structures: Structures within the existing house that were approved and built in the past, but do not comply with the prevailing development control guidelines.
Last updated on 5 July 2019