The height of the car porch shall not exceed 4.5m.
The car porch roof may be used as a balcony or garden, but it shall remain open-to-sky and unenclosed.
The required setback for the accessible car porch roof area, when used as open balcony/garden from the common boundaries, shall follow the requisite side/rear setbacks of the main building.
Where one side of the car porch abuts the neighbour’s boundary, a 1.8m high light-weight screen wall shall be built along the common boundary of the car porch roof to provide the neighbour with some privacy, unless the adjoining neighbour agrees to do without the screen wall. Examples of light-weight screens include angled louvres or slanted vertical panels.
Only the following may be allowed on the car porch roof:
Maximum allowable protrusion of minor building appendages into road buffer and common boundary setbacks
Ledges or cantilevered awnings2 (without vertical supports)
2 The maximum projection (i.e. 1m) into the road buffer or into the common boundary setback applies to retractable awnings when they are fully stretched out (i.e. not when the awnings are in their retracted positions).
Last updated on 20 May 2021