A Private Enclosed Space refers to a semi-outdoor area adjacent to a strata unit and it forms part of the private strata area of units which are sold to homeowners. All PES in new strata landed submitted on or after 1 June 2023 will be computed as GFA. PES in strata landed submitted before 1 June 2023 will not be computed towards the development’s GFA.
Guidelines for Private Enclosed Spaces
A Private Roof Terrace refers to a semi-outdoor area located at the roof level of a strata unit and it forms part of the private strata area of units which are sold to homeowners. All PRT in new strata landed submitted on or after 1 June 2023 will be computed as GFA. PRT in a strata landed submitted before 1 June 2023 will not be computed towards the development's GFA. These should be clearly annotated as "Private Roof Terraces'.
Guidelines for Private Roof Terraces
Last updated on 21 July 2023