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(A) New Guidelines for Agriculture Developments (B) Streamlined Planning Application Process for Agriculture Developments

  Published: 20 September 2019
Circular No : URA/PB/2019/17-DCG


Who Should Know:
Building owners, agricultural industry stakeholders, developers, and architects

Effective Date:
With effect from 20 September 2019

  1. The agriculture landscape in Singapore is evolving. High-intensity and high-rise agriculture developments allow us to achieve greater productivity and optimise the use of land, while also enhancing our food resilience.

  2. To facilitate the transformation of the agriculture industry, support more intensive agriculture developments, and ensure that agriculture developments are compatible with their surroundings, URA has introduced planning guidelines specific to agriculture developments. URA has also streamlined the planning application process to enable applicants to obtain faster approval at a lower cost.

    Planning Guidelines

  3. The new planning guidelines specific to agriculture developments are found in Appendix 1. Apart from the listed planning guidelines, the applicant is to comply with the requirements of technical agencies such as LTA, NParks, FSSD, PUB, BCA, NEA, DSTA etc.

    Streamlined Planning Application Process

  4. URA has streamlined the planning application process as follows:
  1. Land Leased or Sold by the State for Agriculture Use
  1. Development proposals involving single storey structures not exceeding 12m in height shall be authorised, ie there is no need to submit an application to URA for planning approval. This is provided there is no retail / F&B (i.e. shop, restaurant, showroom use) or visitor centre use; and the structures comply with the minimum building setback / road buffer set out in the planning guidelines for agriculture developments in Appendix 1. The proposed works may start after written consent is obtained from the lessor.

  2. For development proposals involving structures that exceed 1-storey or 12m in height, and fully comply with planning guidelines for agriculture development and lodgement criteria (listed in Appendix 2), applicants may engage a Qualified Person (QP) to lodge their plans with URA for instant approval.

  3. Proposals that do not satisfy the authorisation or lodgment criteria will have to submit a development application to URA (see Appendix 3). 
  1. Land Tenanted Out or Granted Temporary Occupation Licence by the State for Agriculture Use
  1. Works on land tenanted out or granted Temporary Occupation Licence (TOL) by the State for agriculture use on an interim basisshall be authorised without the need to submit an application to URA for planning approval, provided the proposed works are in accordance with the parameters stipulated in the tenancy agreement and the conditions in Appendix 3.

  2. However, a Development Application shall be submitted to URA for planning consideration, if the proposed works deviate from the planning parameters stipulated in the tenancy agreement.


  3. All proposed agriculture works will require endorsement from the lessor (e.g. SLA, SFA or NParks), regardless of whether the works are authorised, lodged or submitted to URA for planning approval. The information that has to be endorsed by the lessor is summarised in Appendix 4.

  4. The new guidelines and streamlined plan application process shall apply to all new proposals for works on agriculture land with immediate effect.2

  5. I would appreciate it if you could convey the contents of this circular to the relevant members of your organisation. We have updated the same in the Development Control Handbooks. You are advised to refer to these Handbooks for the most updated guidelines and procedures instead of referring to past circulars.

  6. For other information on the master plan, urban design guidelines, private property use and approval, car park locations and availability, private residential property transactions, and conservation areas and buildings, use URA SPACE (Service Portal and Community e-Services). This is an online portal packed with useful data and visualisation to help building professionals, business operators and the general public in their decision-making. It consolidates detailed information on land use and private property into a one-stop platform presented on geospatial maps. For feedback or enquiries, please email us.
Thank You.


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1 Refers to any land owned by the State or a statutory body for which the State or statutory board has granted a tenancy or licence for interim uses and for a tenure of up to 10 years.

2 Existing lessees with specific requirements in the tender conditions or tenancy agreements can liaise with their lessor on the requirements applicable to their sites.


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