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  Published: 27 March 2019
Circular No : URA/PB/2019/03-CUDG


Who Should Know:
Developers, building owners, architects and engineers

Effective Date:
With effect from 27 March 2019

This circular has been superseded by the Circular: URA/PB/2022/03-CUDG dated 04 April 2022 on “Update to rejuvenation incentive schemes for strategic areas”


  1. The Strategic Development Incentive (SDI) Scheme is intended to encourage the redevelopment of older buildings in strategic areas into new, bold and innovative developments that will positively transform the surrounding urban environment.
  1. This scheme provides a framework to evaluate and guide proposals that deviate from existing planning parameters for the site, but have a positive and transformational impact on the surrounding environment that will help rejuvenate the area.
  1. The planning parameters for which deviations may be considered under SDI Scheme are:

    1. Gross plot ratio (GPR) / gross floor area (GFA);
    2. Land use and use quantum;
    3. Building height.


  1. The SDI Scheme is open to applications from building owners for developments in strategic areas across Singapore that meet the eligibility criteria.
  1. In particular, applications to redevelop existing developments in Orchard Road, Central Business District (CBD) and Marina Centre areas are encouraged, in line with the broader planning intention to rejuvenate these areas.
  1. Sites that fall within the designated areas for the CBD Incentive Scheme (Ref: URA/PB/2019/04-CUDG) will be guided by the CBD Incentive Scheme instead of being considered under the SDI Scheme.
  1. Eligibility for consideration under the SDI Scheme is subject to the criteria as outlined in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Eligibility Criteria

Age of Development At least 20 years old from date of last TOP
Land Use Commercial or mixed-use developments with predominantly commercial uses.

Developments with predominantly residential uses will not be eligible.
Transformational Impact The redevelopment proposal should include a minimum of two adjacent sites, such that the amalgamated redevelopment can have a strong transformational impact on the surrounding environment that will enhance and rejuvenate the area.

  1. Exemptions from the eligibility criteria above can be considered where redevelopment have a positive impact beyond the confines of a single site, to contribute to the rejuvenation of the larger streetblock or precinct, for example:

    1. The redevelopment helps to plug critical gaps in the planned pedestrian networks for the precinct;
    2. The redevelopment helps to open up a view corridor or physical access to a key public asset e.g. waterfront, park or public space; or
    3. If the redevelopment of a single site is large enough on its own to achieve the desired transformational impact.

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

    Urban Design and Architectural Design Concept

    1. The proposed project should be a quality development that defines the site as a distinctive destination through its architectural design, scale, presence and setting in relation to the surrounding developments, pedestrian network, and the public realm.
    Environmental Improvement / Contribution to the Community

    1. The proposed project should enhance the public environment in a significant way and benefit the community at large, such as through:

      1. Quality public spaces;
      2. Measures designed to encourage the use of public transport and to discourage private car use;
      3. Enhanced pedestrian networks and promotion of active mobility;
      4. Public or cultural facilities (e.g. event and performance art venues, childcare facilities, and community services etc.);
      5. Enhancement to public infrastructure;
      6. Conservation and adaptive re-use of heritage buildings and structures, where applicable; and
      7. Contribution to environmental sustainability.
    Use Mix

    1. The proposed project should provide an appropriate mix of uses that complements existing businesses and injects new uses to help revitalise the precinct. New, innovative uses and concepts that offer a differentiated user experience are encouraged.
  1. Relevant technical agencies such as LTA and PUB will be consulted to ensure that any proposed intensification can be supported from an infrastructure planning perspective. URA will also guide the proposals to ensure that planning objectives are achieved.

Submission Process

  1. The proposal shall be submitted as an Outline Application to be evaluated under the SDI Scheme. Please download Form DC/SDI shown in Appendix 1-1 and the Electronic Development Application form from the URA website. The completed forms, along with the requisite materials and information, are to be submitted to the Development Control Group in URA before they can be considered.
  1. An Outline Application fee based on the rates specified in the prevailing URA Fees Schedule is payable for each application. If the proposal is supported, the applicant should follow up to make a formal development application. Should the proposal entail a change in the parameters set out in the URA Master Plan, it will also have to go through the statutory Master Plan amendment process for rezoning. The prevailing Master Plan amendment and development application fees will apply. All fees payable will be subject to the prevailing Goods and Services Tax (GST) rates.
  1. The work flow for processing an application is shown in Appendix 1-2. If URA assesses that the application is suitable for consideration under the SDI Scheme, the applicant will be informed of the date to make a presentation to URA and relevant agencies. URA may request additional briefings and/or submissions before evaluating the proposal. URA may decide to support the proposal, with or without additional conditions.


  1. The evaluation by URA under the SDI Scheme is proposal-specific. An application that has been approved by the URA shall not be used or taken as a precedent for any other proposals or development applications seeking similar deviations from the planning parameters.
  1. Any additional incentive GFA or development intensity granted under the SDI Scheme is subject to the payment of Development Charge / Differential Premium where relevant.
  1. Any increase in development intensity approved by URA under this scheme will not count towards the future development potential of the subject site.
  1. Bonus GFA will not apply for requirements mandated as part of the SDI Scheme. For example, if a minimum Green Mark score is required, the prevailing Green Mark Bonus GFA will not apply. However, developments will still be eligible for Bonus GFA granted under other applicable schemes such as balcony or indoor recreational spaces, subject to the prevailing overall cap on Bonus GFA.
  1. Lease renewals, where applicable, will be subject to the approval of SLA and assessed in line with the Government’s prevailing lease renewal policy.


  1. The SDI Scheme will be implemented from 27 March 2019, for a period of five years from the date of gazette for Master Plan 2019. URA will review the effectiveness and relevance of the scheme at the end of this period.
  1. URA reserves the right to vary or change the specific requirements outlined in the scheme during this five-year period.
  1. I would appreciate it if you could convey the contents of this circular to your members. You are advised to refer to the Development Control Handbooks and URA’s website for updated guidelines instead of referring to past circulars. For other information on the master plan, urban design guidelines, private property use and approval, car park locations and availability, private residential property transactions, and conservation areas and buildings, use URA SPACE (Service Portal and Community e-Services). This is an online portal packed with useful data and visualisation to help building professionals, business operators and the general public in their decision-making. It consolidates detailed information on land use and private property into a one-stop platform presented on geospatial maps. For feedback or enquiries on this circular, please email us.
Thank You.


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