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  Published: 04 September 2023
Circular No : URA/PB/2023/06-CUDG


Who Should Know:
Developers, building owners, architects and lighting designers

Effective Date:
With effect from 4th September 2023

This circular supersedes Circular No: URA/PB/2009/08-CUDG dated 29 April 2009 on “Night Lighting Master Plan Of Developments In The Central Business District (CBD), Marina Centre And Marina Bay” and Circular No: URA/PB/2013/13-CUDG dated 20 Nov 2013 on “Revision To The Night Lighting Guidelines For The Civic District And Bras Basah.Bugis (BBB)”.

  1. This circular is to inform the industry of the updated night lighting guidelines for developments in the CBD, Civic District, Marina Bay and Marina Centre.

  2. Over the years, URA has introduced Night Lighting Master Plans and Guidelines for developments in these areas as well as in Bras Basah.Bugis (BBB). 1These guidelines, implemented in close partnership with building owners and lighting professionals, and under the guidance of the Lighting Design Advisory Panel (LDAP, comprising lighting experts from the industry), have been instrumental in shaping a well-coordinated nightscape in the Central Area.
  3. Given that these guidelines have been in place for some time, URA, in consultation with the LDAP, has reviewed and updated the guidelines to ensure they remain relevant and user-friendly. Key revisions to the guidelines are summarised as follows:
    1. Reduced number of areas where night lighting proposals are required to be submitted for evaluation and approval. With greater awareness and appreciation of the value of night lighting, many developments already incorporate night lighting in their design. As such, the areas where night lighting is required according to stipulated guidelines have been reduced to those shown in Appendix 1. Developments in the Bras Basah.Bugis precinct are no longer subject to night lighting guidelines to allow more flexibility for creative application in view of the more diverse and eclectic character of the precinct.
    2. Consolidated night lighting guidelines. The night lighting guidelines for the various precincts, i.e. CBD, Civic District, Marina Bay and Marina Centre have been consolidated into a single document for ease of reference (See Appendix 2); and

    3. Simplified night lighting submission requirements. To simplify the submission process, a self-declaration approach has been adopted where a lighting professional or Qualified Person (QP) would complete a declaration checklist to indicate the compliance with the various night lighting requirements (See Appendix 3 and 4).

    4. Consolidated good practices in night lighting. To further raise awareness of the importance of night lighting, good night lighting practices as well as potential areas of concerns are shared as part of revised guidelines to help building owners and/or lighting professionals formulate appropriate lighting design strategies (See Appendix 5). This replaces the Night Lighting webpage previously introduced to provide supplementary information on good night lighting practices.
  4. There is a growing concern about the excessive use of lights to illuminate the cityscape. Any night lighting, including those in non-mandatory areas should thus be executed sensitively to avoid glare, light trespass (lighting spilling beyond the subject development/boundaries) and light pollution. Excessive use of lights which causes disamenities, and disruption to natural circadian patterns should be avoided.


  5. The guidelines will apply to relevant development applications submitted to URA on or after 4th September 2023. Where necessary, URA will consult the LDAP on the submitted lighting proposals. URA may also require the adoption of the night lighting guidelines for selected site(s) outside the mandatory lighting areas. In such scenarios, URA will inform owners of such sites early, to facilitate upfront design planning. The guidelines and submission requirements will follow those set out in this Circular.

  6. I would appreciate it if you could convey the contents of this circular to the relevant members of your respective organisations. You are advised to refer to the Development Control Handbooks and URA’s website for updated guidelines instead of referring to past circulars.

  7. For other information on the master plan, urban design guidelines, private property use and approval, car park locations and availability, private residential property transactions, and conservation areas and buildings, use URA SPACE (Service Portal and Community e-Services). This is an online portal packed with useful data and visualisation to help building professionals, business operators and the general public in their decision-making. It consolidates detailed information on land use and private property into a one-stop platform presented on geospatial maps. For feedback or enquiries, please email us.

1The Civic District Lighting Plan Guidebook, published in 1995, was the first to map out lighting strategies for developments in the Central Area, starting with the key historic Civic District. Subsequently, the Night Lighting Master Plan for the CBD, Marina Centre and Marina Bay was introduced in 2009, which was instrumental in formulating the signature night skyline we see today around Marina Bay. This was followed by the implementation of the Night Lighting Master Plan for BBB precinct in 2010. Night lighting guidelines for the Civic District and BBB were subsequently revised in 2013.

Thank You.


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