Industrial developments comprise factories, warehouses, telecommunication and utility buildings. These developments may be allowed on land zoned Business 1 (B1) or Business 2 (B2).
Depending on the nature of their activities, clean and light industries are allowed in Business 1 (B1) zone. General and special industries are to be located in Business 2 (B2) zone.
The National Environment Agency (NEA) would require a 50m nuisance buffer from a B1 zone to the surrounding area. Industrial activities that require a nuisance buffer greater than 50m to the surrounding area may not be located in B1 zone. The different types of industries and their associated buffer requirements can be found in NEA's Code of Practice for Pollution Control (SS593). QPs / developers / owners may also submit an Industrial Siting Consultation (ISC) to NEA to seek advice on the proposed use of their industrial premises - more information can be found on NEA's website.
Last updated on 17 October 2024