These are two main processes in which sites are released to the real estate market.
Sites identified for sale on the Confirmed List (CL) are launched for sale at pre-determined dates and most land parcels are sold through tenders.
Sites on the Reserve List (RL) are not released for tender immediately but are instead made available for application. A RL site will be put up for tender when a developer has indicated a minimum price which is accepted by the government.
A site on the Reserve List System will be put up for tender if a developer submits an application with an indicated minimum price that is acceptable to the Government.
The Government will also consider launching a Reserve List site for tender if it has received sufficient market interest for the site. This is when more than one unrelated party has submitted a minimum price that is close to the Government's Reserve Price, within a reasonable period.
More information on the application procedures for the sale of sites through the Reserve List System is available online.
The eDeveloper's Packets contain information that prospective tenderers would need to be aware of when submitting tenders for land parcels. The information includes, Conditions of Tender, Technical Conditions of Tender, and other relevant documents and information on the sale site.
The eDeveloper's Packets is available via e-Services (One-Stop Developers' Portal) upon payment of S$185.30 (inclusive of GST), $170.00 (w/o GST).
Payment is by Mastercard, Visa, and eNets.
The sale prices and site details of sites that have been sold by URA in the past are available on Past Sale Sites Data or URA Space
A "Reserve site" is a site where the specific use has not been determined.
A "Reserve List site" is a site under the Reserve List of the Government Land Sales Programme where sites will only be put up for tender if a developer has indicated a minimum price which is accepted by the government.
Foreign housing developers who intend to purchase vacant residential land are required to apply for a qualifying certificate (SLA - Form QA) with a security equivalent to 10% of the land price. They can apply from the Controller of Residential Property of the Singapore Land Authority (SLA). The foreign housing developer would be given up to 5 years to complete the development of the residential land. The purpose of the security is to ensure that the foreign housing developer completes and sells all the units in the residential development, rather than hoard the land for speculation.
However, residential land sold under the Government Land Sales (GLS) programme is exempted from this requirement. Instead, foreign housing developers are required under the land sales conditions to sell all the dwelling houses within 2 years from the date of the Temporary Occupation Permit for the dwelling houses.
Please visit SLA's website for more details or call their hotline at 6323 9829.
Under the Extension Premium Scheme which takes effect from 1 May 2000, the land sales conditions for new Government sale sites will no longer carry a liquidated damages (LD) clause for late completion of the project.
Instead, developers who need more time to complete their development will need to apply to the respective Government land sales agent to extend the project completion period (PCP). Any extension given will be subject to payment of an extension premium based on the following schedule of rates:
*These rates may be revised from time to time.
Please see the Circular on Extension Premium Schedule (PDF, 16.8KB) for more details.