The National Parks Board (NParks) requires new landed housing development clusters of a certain total Gross Floor Area (GFA) to set aside an open space plot at a rate of 4.05sqm of open space for every 56sqm of gross floor area1. While the minimum open space plot size required is 1,000sqm (ie a landed housing development with total gross floor area of about 13,800sqm would be required to make such provision), NParks may require a smaller open space plot based on the same computation rate depending on the adequacy of open space in the nearby area.
The open space plot shall be vested in the State before the Building & Construction Authority (BCA) issues a Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC). The open space shall be free from encumbrances, unless otherwise specified, before it can be vested in the State.
The open space provided shall be:
Where the landed housing development cluster abuts an expressway or major arterial road, part of the open space provision may double up as part of the buffer zone provided the:
1 The Open Space Provision requirements are not applicable for Strata Landed Housing developments. See Strata Landed Housing Communal Open Space and greenery provision requirements.
Last updated on 5 July 2019