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  Published: 27 March 2019
Circular No : URA/PB/2019/02-CUDG


Who Should Know:
Developers, building owners, architects and engineers

Effective Date:
Refer to respective circulars

This circular has been superseded by the Circular: URA/PB/2022/03-CUDG on “Update to rejuvenation incentive schemes for strategic areas” dated 04 April 2022.

  1. Singapore is constantly evolving as it strives to remain relevant on the global stage as a vibrant, economically competitive and liveable city. Over the years, the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) has introduced various policies to encourage the rejuvenation of existing areas in our city, even as we plan to open up new areas for development, to ensure that we are able to adapt to changing lifestyles, and shape a more liveable and sustainable environment.
  1. Cities across the world are now experiencing a shift in what makes them attractive. In order to attract talent and visitors, cities are now transforming into attractive ‘places to be’ which incorporate a better mix of uses and amenities as well as high quality public spaces.
  1. Singapore is no exception. We envisage our Central Business District (CBD) evolving into a 24/7 mixed use precinct so that it will not only be a place to work, but also a vibrant place to live and play in. There are also plans to enhance Orchard Road as a lifestyle destination with multi-faceted experiences, as well as to encourage mixed-use multi-experiential precincts in other key strategic areas, with a greater focus on street-level vibrancy and public spaces.
  1. As part of Draft Master Plan 2019, URA has reviewed our current schemes and will be introducing new ones to support the continued growth and evolution of our city.

New Rejuvenation Incentives

  1. The new package of incentive schemes aims to encourage the rejuvenation of our CBD and other strategic areas to encourage a better mix of uses and enhance urban vibrancy. The details of these schemes are outlined in the circulars below:

    1. Strategic Development Incentive (SDI) Scheme
    2. CBD Incentive Scheme

Rescindment of the Bonus Plot Ratio scheme

  1. The existing Bonus Plot Ratio (BPR) scheme was introduced in 1989 to allow for the intensification of commercial developments in close proximity to designated MRT Stations (Orchard, Somerset, Dhoby Ghaut, Raffles Place & Tanjong Pagar), as well as those which met a minimum plot size requirement.
  1. Over the last 30 years, most eligible buildings have already optimised their development potential by utilising the BPR scheme, which has helped to facilitate redevelopment and intensification around MRT stations in key areas.
  1. With the introduction of the new rejuvenation incentives, URA will be rescinding the BPR scheme in tandem with the gazette of Master Plan 2019:

    1. Master Plan 2019 will be adjusted to take into account the bonus plot ratio applicable within 200m of the designated MRT stations.
    2. For developments that have utilised the BPR scheme, URA will honour the previously approved GFA upon redevelopment, consistent with the provisions of the Master Plan Written Statement.
  1. I would appreciate it if you could convey the contents of these circulars to your members. You are advised to refer to the Development Control Handbooks and URA’s website for updated guidelines instead of referring to past circulars.
  1. For other information on the master plan, urban design guidelines, private property use and approval, car park locations and availability, private residential property transactions, and conservation areas and buildings, use URA SPACE (Service Portal and Community e-Services). This is an online portal packed with useful data and visualisation to help building professionals, business operators and the general public in their decision-making. It consolidates detailed information on land use and private property into a one-stop platform presented on geospatial maps. For feedback or enquiries on this circular, please email us.
Thank You.


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