Sales Launch Date: 30 June 2023, Friday Tender Submission Date: 18 January 2024, Thursday
Site Area : 17,319.2 m2
Maximum Gross Floor Area : 72,741 m2
Plot 1: 17,319.2 m2
Plot 2: 5,410.5 m2
Plot 3(2): 82.7 m2
Plot 4(2): 46.5 m2
Plot 1: White
Plot 2: Open Space
Development with a mix of residential and commercial uses
High-rise zone: 164 m SHD
Mid-rise zone: 73.5m - 130 m SHD
Low-rise zone: 4-storeys
The Urban Redevelopment Authority ("The Authority") is inviting tenders for the development of the Land Parcel described above for and on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Singapore.
The tenderers shall deposit the duly completed Form of Tender: • in a sealed envelope which is affixed with the Submission Label provided in the eDeveloper's Packet; • in the Tender Box at Room 10-1, 10th Storey, Tower, The URA Centre, 45 Maxwell Road, Singapore 069118; • on 18 January 2024, Thursday ("the tender submission date") at or before 12 noon. Room 10-1 will be opened by 9 am on that day. Any tender submitted after 12 noon on the tender submission date will not be considered.
Every tenderer shall pay a tender deposit of 5% or more of the tendered sale price. The tender deposit may be paid by any one or more of the following methods: • Cashier's Order • Bank Transfer • Bank Guarantee • Insurance Guarantee • eGuarantee (Please refer to the Conditions of Tender for detailed requirements). Payment in CASH or by CHEQUE or any other means WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The Tender Deposit will be returned to all unsuccessful tenderers. The Tender Deposit shall be forfeited if the tenderer withdraws his tender after the date and time for submission of tenders. Tenders submitted without the Tender Deposit shall be disqualified.
Tenders shall remain valid for acceptance for four (4) weeks from the said date for submission of tenders. However, the Authority may by notice in writing to each tenderer extend the validity period of his tender by such further period not exceeding 2 weeks. Selection of the winning tender will be based on tendered sale price. However, the Authority reserves the right to reject the highest or any tender.
The successful tenderer shall pay the tendered sale price and the Goods and Services Tax (GST) by Cashier's Order as follows: • 25% (less the Tender Deposit) and the GST on 25% of the tendered sale price within twenty-eight (28) days of the Authority's acceptance of his tender; • 75% and the GST thereon within ninety (90) days of acceptance of his tender.
This tender brief is meant to highlight only some of the principal points of the tender and does not form part of the tender documents. All tenderers shall comply with the terms and requirements as stipulated in the "Conditions of Tender" and "Technical Conditions of Tender" contained in One-Stop Developers' Portal.
The above tender documents are for information only. The complete set of updated tender documents and all relevant circulars, corrigenda and notifications are available for download in the One-Stop Developers' Portal at S$185.30 (inclusive of GST).
The responsibility of URA and the Government is limited to notifying purchasers of the eDeveloper’s Packet of any additions, variations or amendments to the tender documents. If a purchaser of the eDeveloper's Packet makes the contents therein available to any other party, whether an associate, a client or an agent or whosoever and whether local or overseas; it shall be the purchaser's responsibility to keep that party informed of any such additions, variations or amendments.
Parties interested to participate in the tender for this Land Parcel are advised to purchase the e-Developer's Packet.
Find out more information on the requirements for tender and the tender process.
The eDeveloper's Packet contains:
Purchase the eDeveloper's Packet at S$185.30 (inclusive of GST) here.
If you have any questions, please approach:
• Png Sim Nee at (65) 6321 6592 or • Hoo Yee Woon at (65) 6321 8260