To submit a development application for planning permission, use the CORENET eSS (COnstruction and Real Estate NETwork e-Submission System). You can also use CORENET to submit applications to other relevant authorities (e.g. Building and Construction Authority, Fire Safety and Shelter Department).
Only a Qualified Person (QP) such as registered architects, registered surveyors and/or professional engineers, can submit a development application via CORENET.
It generally takes 20 working days to assess your application. During this period, you can check the status of your application.
Check if your proposed development works require planning permission. See Exemption List.
Ensure that the planning submission requirements are complied with. The development control submission checklist serves only as a guide. There is no need to submit this checklist.
Prepare the submission requirements.
Digitally sign your electronic plans and forms with a Netrust Digital Certificate.
Register your project in CORENET eSS and submit your online application.
For more self-help materials/info, please refer here.
Pay your application fee online. You will need the Reference ID of your application submission. To calculate the fees required, use our online calculators:
Form-based Fee Calculator If you have not filled up the EDAform, use this online form to check the fee payable for your application.
Fee Calculator for Uploaded EDAform File Upload a completed EDAForm application in EDF file format to calculate your fee.
Other planning permission fees can be found in Development Control Fee Schedule (PDF, 350KB).
Click here for a step by step guide on how to make Payment for your application.
The built environment industry can look forward to CORENET X, a one-stop integrated digital shopfront that will consolidate over 20 different regulatory approval touchpoints into one seamless journey.
With CORENET X, professionals can submit coordinated BIM models and development proposals, which will be reviewed concurrently by the relevant agencies. Collaboration and coordination at both the industry and agencies’ ends will be bolstered by new digital technologies. These collectively allow for processes to be streamlined and automated, leading to enhanced quality and productivity for all project parties.
Visit the CORENET X website to find out more.