The allowable Gross Plot Ratio (GPR) is subject to evaluation, taking into consideration the location, site context, topography, traffic situation, impact of the S&R development on the surroundings and other agencies’ requirements.
The area of the land required to be set aside for drainage reserve1 (DR) and/or road reserve2 (RR) to be vested in the State may be included in the site area to compute the gross floor area (GFA) for a GPR – see figure below.
1 Drainage Reserve (DR): An area safeguarded for purposes of building or widening a public drain
2 Road Reserve: The plot of land to be vested in the State as required under the Street Works Act. It is demarcated by the line of Road Reserve in the Road Line Plan and the site boundary.
GPR for sites where vesting is required
Last updated on 5 July 2019