A basement storey refers to a storey of a building which may be partially or wholly below the existing ground level. In so far as storey height control is concerned, basement storeys that protrude more than 1.0m above ground level on any side shall be counted as a storey.
Basement Setback and Vertical Openings
The physical limit for which the basement may be built up to is shown in the table below.
Basement Setback
1 Road Reserve: The plot of land to be vested in the State as required under the Street Works Act. It is demarcated by the line of Road Reserve in the Road Line Plan and the site boundary.
Basements with vertical openings on the side walls may be allowed only if they are required for natural ventilation and to meet the building regulations. The guidelines are as follows:
Basement Horizontal Openings
Last updated on 25 February 2021