Setback Requirements
All C&CI developments shall be sufficiently set back from the road and common boundary. The setback distance is measured from the road reserve1 line or boundary line to the external wall of the buildings, excluding land to be vested to the State for road or drainage or public purpose.
All C&CI developments fronting a public road shall provide a road buffer, the width of which depends on the hierarchy of the road. A green buffer shall be set aside in the road buffer depending on the width of the road buffer.
The buffer requirements for the Road Categories 1 to 5 are in Table 1 below. The common boundary setback requirements are in Table 2 below. Different setback requirements may apply for sites within the Geylang area or the Central Area, both of which are guided by Urban Design guidelines.
1 Road Reserve: The plot of land to be vested in the State as required under the Street Works Act. It is demarcated by the line of Road Reserve in the Road Line Plan and the site boundary.
Last updated on 23 October 2023