The allowable Gross Plot Ratio (GPR) of a Business 1 (B1) development is guided by the GPR specified in the Master Plan (MP). This upper bound GPR may not always be achievable because of site limitations like plot size, shape of the plot, site topography or ground conditions, building setbacks, building height or technical requirements of other authorities that may affect the site.
The area of the land required to be set aside for Drainage Reserve1 (DR) and/or Road Reserve2 (RR) to be vested in the State may be included in the site area to compute the gross floor area (GFA) for a GPR – see figure below.
1 Drainage Reserve: An area safeguarded for purposes of building or widening a public drain.
2 Road Reserve: The plot of land to be vested in the State as required under the Street Works Act. It is demarcated by the line of Road Reserve in the Road Line Plan and the site boundary.
GPR for sites where vesting is required
B1 sites located next to MRT stations may be zoned B1-W. The white component is to provide flexibility for industrial companies in such locations to accommodate synergistic White uses.
For such B1-W sites, a minimum GPR shall be achieved for the permissible B1 uses first. This minimum GPR for B1 uses is indicated in the square brackets on the Master Plan.
For example, in the map below, the sites next to Tai Seng MRT Station are zoned “3.5 [B-2.5] W”. A B1-W site would have an overall allowable GPR of 3.5. A minimum GPR of 2.5 must be achieved and used for industrial purposes first before the remaining GPR 1.0 may be unlocked for White uses.
Refer to section on Allowable Uses for the list of allowable uses within the White component.
B1-White sites located near Tai Seng MRT Station
Last updated on 5 July 2019